AGM: 4 September

We’d like to invite all Concord GIANTS families to our AGM over a light dinner at the Canada Bay Club.

Tuesday 4 September
Canada Bay Club
4 Williams St, Five Dock

We will be looking to fill our Committee positions for 2018-2019 so we can focus on preparing for Season 2019.

Involvement on the Concord GIANTS committee is a great way to be a part of your local community and be involved in something that your child loves.

This is a community club, run by parents, so their kids can have fun playing AFL. Please consider how you can help.

Don’t really know that much about AFL? Not a problem, we need people with admin, organisational and marketing skills as well!

Don’t have a lot of time? That’s OK, too. Not all roles require a big commitment. We can make this work for you.

If you’re interested but unsure, come along anyway! Or speak to one of our current committee members.

You’ll find new membership and membership renewal forms below, plus a volunteer appointment form.

AFL Holiday Camp at St Luke’s

If you are looking for some school holiday activities for the kids, the Concord GIANTS recommend this camp, run by Super Sports Camps at our home ground of St Luke’s Oval.

Super Sports Camps AFL flyer



GWS GIANTS Junior Clubs March: 28 April

For those that have registered for the GWS Giants Junior Clubs March on Saturday 28 April, please make sure you EITHER wear your game day jumper home OR your training shirt (or even your GWS GIANTS gear) for the march to identify yourself as Concord GIANTS.

Here are the major timings for the day:

2pm  club participants can start to arrive at Cathy Freeman Park.
3:10pm  clubs to start marshalling kids in their groups.
3:15pm  start to move over to go through gate D, everyone will going over in order, which we confirm with clubs on the day.
3:35pm  clubs to all be at the ramp behind the Members stand. Clubs to ensure all parents know that they need to be back at that spot to collect their children once they come off the field.
Approx 3:50pm  march to begin. We can walk slow due to having a good amount of time on field.
Approx 4:20pm  all clubs to be off oval and walked back to meeting point for collection at the top of the ramp.
4:35pm  game starts

If you missed out on tickets, you can still get them by emailing Lauren at the GIANTS. You’ll still be able to march and get access to the game, you just won’t be able to sit with the rest of the Concord GIANTS players.

PS: Send some pics for Facebook! Email:

LJ Hooker Drummoyne and Concord logo

2018 Sponsor: LJ Hooker Drummoyne – Concord

Our sponsors don’t just hand over a cheque, they’re part of the Concord GIANTS team!

LJ Hooker Drummoyne/Concord is one of our Major Sponsors for Season 2018.

Principal Ben Horwood is a local and is an avid sports fan – AFL, NRL, rugby, cricket, golf (so, basically, if there’s a ball involved, Ben’s interested).

As the leader of the Concord and Drummoyne offices of LJ Hooker and a director of LJ Hooker Commercial Inner West, Ben is widely recognised as one of the Inner West’s leading estate agents and has been ranked in the top 100 agents in Australia.

He has a strong reputation for playing it straight, and always putting his client’s first.

The commitment of our sponsors goes a long way to ensuring long term financial stability for the Concord GIANTS (and keeping registration fees down). So, when you see Ben around the grounds or in the community, make sure you say g’day.

And, of course, if you’re looking at buying or selling, please have a chat with LJ Hooker Concord & Drummoyne – and let them know you’re from the GIANTS – so they know their support goes both ways.

Thanks Ben and LJ Hooker. We look forward to a successful Season 2018!

You can follow LJ Hooker on Facebook and on Twitter.

2018 Sponsor: Horizon Homes

Denis and Esther Carroll from Horizon Homes have been around our Club so long, they’re family.

Over the years, they’ve been parents on the sidelines, active volunteers behind the scenes and generous Major Sponsors. We’re thrilled that Horizon Homes is back as a Major Sponsor for Season 2018.

Horizon Homes’ commitment to grassroots footy also extends to our youth club as a Gold Sponsor of the Canada Bay Cannons. And there’s no need to remind you that sponsors are vital in ensuring the long term financial stability of our club!

Horizon Homes is a boutique home building company unlike any other. They’ll not only deliver your high-quality, cleverly designed dream home, but their unique processes will ensure you actually enjoy the building and design journey as well.

Each home is tailored to the needs of your family and your site – there are no ‘cookie cutter’ options with Horizon Homes!

If you’re looking to knock down and rebuild, please visit the Horizon Homes display home and have a chat with Denis and Esther (and make sure you mention you’re from the GIANTS). You’ll find Horizon Homes at the Homequest Display Village, 48 Bruhn Circuit, Kellyville. They’re open seven days.

And if you see Denis and Esther on the sidelines, make sure you thank them for their support!



Wednesday 14 March: Grounds OPEN/Mouthguards

After all this rain, we’re pleased to advise that St Luke’s is now OPEN for training.

Today is the first session for our Auskick U5, U6 and U7 teams. Training for these grades starts at 4.30pm.

U8 and U9, training continues at 5.30pm while U10 and U11 start at 6.30pm.

All sessions are at St Luke’s and the best parking is via Crane Street.

Don’t forget – our professional mouthguard service is available today! We will have a fitting service in the amenities block from 4.30pm. The cost of mouthguards will be $90, but if you have private health insurance, this may be fully refunded to you. (The item number is 151 if you would like to check with your fund.)

Mouthguards are compulsory in Junior and Youth AFL, and recommended for Auskick grades.

AFL School Holiday Camp!

WHAT?! School holiday camps already?

We know it feels like they just started school, but if you’re super-organised you’ll benefit from the early bird discount (the price break expires 17 March). A school holiday footy camp on our home ground – what could be more convenient!

AFL School Holiday Camp Flyer

imagine of first aid kit

First Aid Volunteers Wanted!

Know first aid? Always been meaning to do first aid training? This is for YOU!

We need qualified first aiders at all home games. The basic qualification is a first aid certificate, obtained with the past five years. If you’d like to do a course – or a refresher – the Club can reimburse you for the cost.

Of course, if you’re a doctor, nurse, paramedic or pharmacist, no course is required!

The commitment is generally for a two hour slot, two or three times during the season at home games. It will overlap with your child’s game time, so you get to watch them play.

Can yo help? Our first aid coordinator Sally can give you with all the details. Direct message through this page or email Sally direct:

Giants in Training sign

Pre-Season Training: 7 & 14 March